Friday, 6 September 2013

Fund Raising Tea Dance for Local Film Society

A Tea Dance has been arranged for Thursday 3rd October from 2 pm–5 pm           
at the Catholic Church Hall Rickmansworth for the Film Society
This is to raise funds towards the DIGITAL FILM PROJECTOR.
At the time of preparing this email I do not have anymore details. If you would like to know more email

19 Sept THE GREAT GATSBY                                12A  143 mins 
17 Oct   BEHIND THE CANDELABRA                     15    118 mins     
30 Oct   DESPICABLE ME 2 FAMILY FILM              U     98 mins (matinee only)
7 Nov    SUMMER IN FEBRUARY                           15    100 mins
16 Jan   POPULAIRE                                               12A  111 mins 
13 Feb   BLOOD                                                       15     92 mins 

Time:  Matinee performances start at 2pm, tea, coffee and cakes are on sale from the kiosk, doors open at 1.15pm.  Evening performances start at 7.45pm, doors open at 6.45pm and the the bar is open from 6.45pm.
Advance booking for films is not necessary, but advised.
To book call the Watersmeet Box Office between 10am-4pm Monday to Friday on 01923 711063.
If required, for matinee performances parking vouchers costing £1 will be on sale at Watersmeet on film days.  These vouchers will allow up to 4 hours parking at Three Rivers staff car parks and at any of the 2 hour car parks.
You do not need to be a member to come to see the films, but members do pay a reduced entry, they also have a reserved seating area and are able to attend the social evenings held throughout the year.
Annual membership:  £20 per adult, £15 concession
Charge per film: 
Members £3.00 adult, £1.50 concessions (matinee), £2.00 concessions  (evening)
Non members £5.00 adult,  £3.00 (matinee) concessions, £4.00 concessions (evening)
Children’s films (during school holidays): £3.50 adult, £2.50 child
If you would like additional information regarding the Friends of Watersmeet Film Society please contact:
Membership: Joy Thomson  01923 771415
General enquiries:  Derek Harrison  01923 446728  Mob. 0771 302 8485

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