Rickmansworth Young Musician of the Year
Date: Tuesday
8th and Wednesday 9th May
Title Rickmansworth Young
Musician of the Year Competition - HEATS
details The competition is run
by Rickmansworth Rotary Club and Three Rivers Music Society for children
between the ages of 11 to 18, who have reached Grade 6 level or beyond. The competition is for any instrument or
voice, whether learning at school or privately. During the 30 years of the competition’s life it
has helped produce many confident musicians, many of whom enter the profession.
The event allows the children a public audience. The adjudicators make constructive comments
for each performer’s progress. They then
select 8 finalists for the Final Concert.
This year there are 30 entrants so there will be 15 competitors
performing each evening.
suitable for All the family
Location New Mark Hall, The Royal
Masonic School for Girls, Rickmansworth
Time 7pm on both evenings
Cost Free