Friday, 13 January 2012

Can you help with information?


At 6.15pm on Monday 9th January offender(s) forced the ground floor window to gain entry. It is believed the offender(s) were disturbed by the owner coming back as nothing had been stolen. A police dog unit attended and tracked their scent to the golf course behind. House to House enquiries were undertaken and a scene of crime officer attended. PC 246 Knowles is the investigating officer.

Please view the attached link for ways to make your home and garden more secure.

Secureyour home and garden

If you have any information regarding this crime please contact our non-emergency number "101" or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800555111 quoting the crime number above.

If you require any Crime Prevention advice please contact your local Crime Prevention Officer David Mahon on 01923 472030 or if you want to report anything to your local Safer Neighbourhood Team use 01923 472283.