Thursday, 15 September 2011

Psychic Development Workshop

Psychic Development for Beginners Workshop
Sunday, Sept 18 2011  from 10-5pm
Held at Jury's Inn Hotel, Clarendon Rd, Watford (conference room)

This will be a fascinating "taster" day that will allow pareticipants to enhance their intuitive abilities and learn more about the mind, nody & soul aspects of the psychic arts.  Discussions, demonstrations and opportunities to try a variety of techniques will be offered up - by professional psychic/sensitive/healers.  Topics include: meditation, auras/chakras, healign and well being, psychometry, the use & benefits of crystals, psychic art/automatic writing and working with guides/angels.  Whether you think you have a special "gift" or just want to come along and learn amongst like minded people - please join us.  It will be a relaxed, fun day!  Places are limited - so that we can have a small, intimate group to work with, so pre- booking ASAP is essential.  Costs are £60 per person  -OR a reduced rate of £52 for groups of 3 or more booking together.   Details and bookings can be made through Karen Billing   at  or email:

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Tea Dance this afternoon

Why not give it a whirl and a twirl! Chorleywood Memorial Hall 1.30pm to 4pm
Tea Dances from TRDC

New Pilates Class

There is a new Pilates course starting on Wednesday 21 September at the Maple Cross Club for 8 weeks. Sessions will run from 9.30 to 10.30 and will cost £40. To book a place call the Three Rivers Customer Service Centre on 01923 776611.