Woo Hoo! Wm Penn Swimming Pools are opening on 4th May!
'May the 4th be with you!!' No this is not a celebration of Star Wars... the pools really ARE opening. We were invited up to the Pool by Chris Hope Head of Leisure at Three Rivers District Council for the announcement yesterday.
The doors will be open to this fantastic new facility on 4th May. There is a 25m pool and also a shallower learner pool too. All visible through the veiwing galler in the Beaumont Cafe. Check out this month's edition of CT for your FREE hot drink in the Cafe.
And... don't forget that if you are under 19 or over 60 - you can swim for FREE!!
AND... the FIT Campaign at the centre has been extended until 30th April...
For more detail visit the Wm Penn Website at