Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Alert - Purse thefts in Rickmansworth

Shoppers have been targeted and had purses stolen recently in Rickmansworth High Street and Tesco in Harefield road this month.

An elderly female was stopped outside Tesco after doing her shopping. She was approached by another female, described as foreign with a european accent, asking for change of a ten pound note. After giving this female change the female has then managed to take her purse after putting it back in her handbag.

An elderly female was bumped into by a male and two females, described as european, outside of Iceland in Rickmansworth High Street. Her purse, which was in a separate shopping bag, was taken from her in the process. The elderly lady did not realise until she went to pay for her shopping.

We do tend to see these types of theft in the busy periods leading up to Christmas and even though this type of theft is more common in larger towns I would still advise shoppers not to be complacent, and by taking a few precautions you are less likely to be a victim of crime.

Purses should be kept out of sight of potential thieves, either in an inside coat pocket or zipped handbag kept close to the body. If you feel a stranger is paying too much attention to you which you think is suspicious then please contact police on 101 or 01707 354000. If  you are feeling threatened in any way then dial 999.

If you need to contact Rickmansworth's PCSOs by email - alan.waller@herts.pnn.police.uk

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