Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Chorleywood Apple Day - 6th October 11am-3pm

Apple Day is nearly here, so please put the date in your diary and come along. This year we are teaming up with Chorleywood Mums to offer even more activities for children, and we are again having our popular barbecue. Also new this year is an apple baking competition, Chorleywood's answer to the Great British Bake Off (but without the TV company and the stress), so do start planning what to enter. There will be prizes for the winning entries in the under 16 category and adults (16 and over). If you can put up the attached poster(s) anywhere to help us advertise the day please print off and use as needed. Also, we could still do with donations of apples for use on the day, so if you have any spare please get in touch.

See below for further details -

Highlights of Apple Day this year include:

Barbecue featuring local apples in the hot dog sausages

Display and tasting of unusual locally grown apples

Freshly pressed juice – bring your own apples along and help turn
them into the most delicious juice using our traditional press

Sale of apples, apple juice, home made preserves, cakes and biscuits

Children’s games like ‘Make the longest apple peel’, a treasure hunt,
colouring, craft activities and apple bobbing

A guided tour of the Orchard at 1.00pm

• Apple baking competition for children and adults, i.e.-

A competition for any baked item which includes apple in the recipe.

1 Class for Children under 16, and 1 for Adults (16 and over).
All items should be cooked at least 12 hours previously and be cold.
All items must be covered with clingfilm.
Only one entry per person.
All items to be delivered to the competition table at the Orchard by
12 noon on Apple Day.
• Entries will be registered and competitors will be issued with an
entry number at that time.
• The winners will be announced at 2.30pm and prizes awarded.
• Entries may be collected after 2.30pm and must be collected
before 3.00pm. Items not collected when clearing is finished will be
disposed of.

In case of query please phone Alison Rubens (01923 282937) or email

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