Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Woman arrested for theft in Halfords Rickmansworth

Staff at Halfords in Rickmansworth reported a theft of a Power Pack worth £100 by a female on Wednesday afternoon. The passing Community Support Officer knew from the descriptions given that this was a female he had seen brake down in her vehicle in the high street earlier and had abandoned her car.

When the female later returned her vehicle was searched and the power pack was found in the boot. The female was arrested for theft and will be attending court as she was already on bail for previous theft. CCTV evidence from the store clearly showed the offender walking out with goods and failing to pay.

The store had failed to report this at the time the offence occurred and it was only while the officer was passing that they mentioned it.

Shops are reminded to report all suspicious incidents and crimes on 101. It will cost as little as 15 pence for this call. Always remember to give a good description of offenders and a direction of travel when they have left shops as Police may be nearby and able to apprehend them.

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