Thursday, 27 October 2011


Companies, believed to be from the Cheshire area, are using pressure sales methods to sell intruder alarm systems. They increase the fear of crime by stating that crime is increasing in the areas concerned.

They offer free ‘wireless' intruder alarm systems, but these usually involve very expensive contract arrangements. It's sales persons may also ask about double glazing and other security issues. They usually try to set up a home visit by asking for addresses and contact details.

If you are contacted by any company using this type of sales pitch please consider contacting Trading Standards (email:- so that their sales methods can be investigated.  Do not tell the caller any personal details but do try to obtain contact names and phone numbers.


Police advice is to NEVER deal with ‘cold callers'. Phone the Police non urgent phone number,101, and ask to speak to your local Crime Prevention Officer if you need further advice or information.

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