Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Meeting tonight regarding Parking in Rickmansworth - 13 March 2018 - 7.30pm

For those of you who may be interested in the Proposed Traffic Order introducing charges to the short term car parks in Rickmansworth.- there is a Sustainable Planning and Transport meeting tonight at Three Rivers House. 7.30pm Here is a link.
10 - Development Plan for a new Parking Strategy
Do not be fooled - this development plan explicity excludes Rickmansworth from this future strategy. The new strategy includes consultation, surveys, impact assessments and benchmarking.... BUT NOT FOR RICKMANSWORTH. A member of the public can speak for 3 minutes - for or against, but must register at the start of the meeting.

Friday, 28 October 2016

This weekend at Moor Park GC

Local Woman Looking to Give Back After Overcoming Breast Cancer

Ruth Watkins of Absolute Exclusive is hosting a ‘Fabulous You’ event –a day of Beauty, Health and Style on Sunday 30th October 10.30am – 4pm at Moor Park Golf Club – 50% of ticket price going to the Linda Jackson Macmillan Centre at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Northwood. Raffle proceeds also going to LJMC.
Ruth Watkins, a local business woman and single mother of one, was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2016.  After completing treatment she is absolutely determined to ensure that her year ends on a much more positive note.
After being diagnosed with breast cancer, Ruth underwent a mastectomy and went through some very challenging times. Despite this she managed to remain positive for her own sake and also for her daughter, who is 17 years old and has already lost her father to cancer.
Shortly after her operation, Ruth, began focusing once again on her jewellery and accessories business Absolute Exclusive, having something positive to concentrate on helped her through 18 sessions of radiotherapy treatment.  There is no doubt she would have found the recovery process much more difficult if it weren’t for the Linda Jackson Macmillan Centre at Mount Vernon.

“The dedicated staff and volunteers, who work at the Linda Jackson Macmillan Centre have been absolutely wonderful, they help you through what can be an incredibly anxious time when you are feeling extremely vulnerable.”
“There are always lots of medical people around to help during your cancer treatment but once your treatment has ended, your next check-up can seem an awfully long time ahead. That’s one area the Linda Jackson Macmillan Centre comes in and provides help and support to people who are recovering from cancer but are still very worried about what the future holds and whether their cancer might come back.”
“I wanted to stay positive for my daughter, after losing her father to cancer she was extremely concerned and with help from the Linda Jackson Macmillan Centre I was able to remain in control and look forward to a bright future for us both.”
“Now I’m hoping to do something for them because they’ve helped me so much and hopefully the ‘Fabulous You’ Beauty, Health and Style event on Sunday October 30th will be a big success. We’ll be giving 50% of the price of tickets straight to the charity to help them continue doing their wonderful work.”
Tickets are just £5 and can be bought on the day or in advance.

For further information
Ruth Watkins – ruth@absoluteexclusive.co.ukwww.facebook/absoluteexclusiveuk -Tel: 07719740243

£5 per ticket – 50% donated to the Linda Jackson Macmillan Centre, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre – tickets can be bought on the day, through www.facebook/absoluteexclusiveuk using the Paypal link or by contacting Ruth Watkins on Tel: 07719740243

Linda Jackson Macmillan Centre
Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 2RN
Drop-in Centre opening hours : Monday-Friday : 9.30am-1pm & 2.00pm-4.30pm
Telephone Helpline: 020 3826 2555

Specials Recruitment Information Evening Tonight

Press release:
Want to do something exciting and worthwhile? Come to our ‘Special’ open evening in Rickmansworth to discover more.

Ever wanted to be part of something that’s exciting and worthwhile? Then why not consider becoming a volunteer police officer, joining Hertfordshire’s 250-strong team of Special Constables?

Hertfordshire Constabulary is actively recruiting Special Constables in order to boost its numbers. It is looking for motivated team players wanting a challenge.  Special Constables have full police powers, uniform and protective equipment and work alongside the regular force.

Three Rivers currently has a slightly smaller number of Specials than some other parts of the county so come along to find out more at the next Recruitment Open Evening at Council Chambers,  Three Rivers House, Northway, Rickmansworth WD3 1RL on Friday, October 28 at 7pm. You must register your interest on-line to attend (www.hertspolicecareers.co.uk ).

Special Constables get involved in all areas of frontline policing - from high visibility patrols around pubs and clubs at the weekend and being called to assist at the scene of a road traffic collision or burglary to arresting offenders or reassuring and advising residents after a crime has occurred.

Aside from ‘response’ or local Safer Neighbourhood policing, there are constantly evolving opportunities to work within specialist policing environments, such as the investigation of child sexual exploitation, domestic abuse and prisoner processing.  Special Constables with specialist IT knowledge also work alongside police officers and staff who manage registered sex offenders.
Those with an interest or expertise in countryside and rural issues can become Rural Special Constables who are dedicated to the needs of rural communities.  They work alongside our Rural Operation Support Team (ROST) and local police Safer Neighbourhood Teams investigating heritage crime or wildlife offences, tackling hare coursing or poaching, to dealing with fly-tipping or the theft of heating oil.

Acting Inspector Debbie Jacyna, Specials Development Manager, said: “The opportunity to gain experience in specialist departments, at hours and dates to suit you, is uniquely available to Hertfordshire’s Special Constabulary.  We are keen to utilise specialist skills or foreign languages that officers have by deploying into the relevant department, as well as assisting with neighbourhood policing.”
Once initial training is complete, Specials are coached by regular officers to complete their Police Action Checklists and are then deemed fit for independent patrol.  On average this can take around 12 months.

The event on October 28 includes a short presentation and the opportunity to speak to serving Special Constables.  Human Resources will also be on hand to answer any questions regarding the recruitment process.
Register now at www.hertspolicecareers.co.uk   Look for ‘events’ on the front page and click the + icon for full details and links to register, or go direct by clicking here: https://tri-force.tal.net/vx/lang-en-GB/mobile-0/appcentre-6/brand-5/xf-36e7326d4bc7/candidate/login

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Update on the escaped Golden Eagle

Police received a report at 4.46pm on Saturday that a golden eagle had escaped in the Croxley Green area.
Efforts are on-going by the bird’s falconer to recapture it.
Anyone who sees the bird, which has been spotted in the Sarratt and Croxley Green areas, is advised not to approach the animal and to call the owner on 07969 645201.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Golden Eagle Escaped from Sarratt

Please be aware a Golden Eagle has escaped from its owner from the Sarratt area on the 14/10/16. The male bird is extremely large and will be distinctive due to its size and will have leather tethers hanging from its feet. The bird has mainly been seen in the Sarratt and Croxley Green areas but may fly further afield. If you do come across this bird we advise that you keep your distance, stay under cover and call 101 quoting reference 564 15/10/16.Also if you have small animals to put them inside and keep them out of sight. Please find attached a picture of a Golden Eagle in flight/perched to help you ID it from a Red Kite the most notable feature is the Golden Eagle does not have a V shaped tail.

Steve Jacob
Police Community Support Officer
Neighbourhood Watch
Email: steven.jacob@herts.pnn.police.uk
Tel: 01923 472263

Friday, 14 October 2016

Electoral registration: don’t forget to return your form, says Council

Canvassers working for the District Council are knocking on doors during October to make sure that everyone who is eligible will be able to vote. Council officers will be visiting all homes where no Household Enquiry Form has been received in order to find out the number of people eligible to vote who are living at these addresses. Following changes in the law, each individual person must register if they want to vote – they can no longer be registered by the head of their household.
The canvas is a statutory process and the aim is to make sure the electoral register is accurate and up-to-date. The enquiry forms were delivered to all homes in Three Rivers during August.  The good news is that people can register to vote and fill in their Household Enquiry Form online https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
Registering to vote enables residents to vote in local and national elections.  Registering to vote can also help people’s credit rating which can increase their chances in obtaining loans, mobile phone and other contracts.
The updated register of electors will be published on 1 December.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

What's On in Three Rivers in January

 http://www.watersmeet.co.uk/Fabulous array of films will be on at Watersmeet in January, February and March along with some lovely wildlife walks and much more.  See the Three Rivers DC newsletter here for more details.